Student Assignments
The district will be using two methods to deliver continuous learning to our students. The first being online learning, which will be the easiest for most of the staff to provide. Most lessons will work through programs our students already know and use daily. Contact with the student’s teachers will also be more accessible.
For those receiving packets, we will attempt to mail these out on Friday’s. When you receive them is anyone’s guess. If you would, put some time aside during the day to allow your students to complete the work.
The continuous learning plan developed by the instructional staff is our attempt to allow students to still progress in their education. As with anything the district does to provide educational opportunities, the role of the parent is the essential factor in the learning process. What you can do to help out the teachers with these assignments would be appreciated.
Please have your students check their emails. We have teachers trying to contact them to see what we can do for them and just to check in to see how they are doing.
NCCC Classes
The district has two NCCC Career and Technical courses. As far as the district is concerned, we do not require these courses to be completed for our records. NCCC has asked the instructors to complete the classes since the class size is below the ten-person requirement to meet. If these courses aren’t finished, students will receive an incomplete for the semester from NCCC. I am going to leave the decision of completing the coursework up to the parents. Again, as far as high school credit, the district has what it needs to award the student’s grades.
Website Update
Plans are to activate the district learning plan link sometime on Friday. This site will allow you to see the assignments for the week of all teachers. Hopefully, there won’t be any problems accessing this site. If you do run into trouble finding what you need, please let us know.
Food Service
After two days of serving meals, the district has delivered over 800 bags of food. These bags include breakfast and lunch for a total of 1,600 meals being served. The number of meals couldn’t be accomplished without the work of the foodservice staff and a variety of classified and certified help with the bagging of the meals. If there are still rural children and students, we aren’t serving email where we can get them added to our deliveries. The Yates Center students can pick up meals at the high school from 11 am to noon. Ages of the children and students who can receive meals are 1-18 years old.
County/State Shelter in Place Order
Should there be a shelter in place order made for Woodson County or the State, we will post this, along with what it means to deliver educational support to our students. At the current time, there has been no such order placed, but should there be, we will do what we can to support the students of the Woodson School District.