Due to the county having 15 active cases of COVID-19, the district will move into an orange phase beginning Monday. The number of active cases more than doubled from last week when we had 7 cases in Woodson County.
Moving to our orange phase will move the district into more restrictions. We have made a few modifications to this phase since we know more about COVID-19 now than we did in August when the plan was developed.
Beginning on Monday, December 7th, all students entering the buildings will properly wear masks and have temperatures taken. Students will always properly wear their masks in the building and classes. All bus students and coaches will be temperature checked and wearing a mask when they are riding bus routes and activity trips. There will be some internal changes but nothing major.
As a school district, we can’t control what takes place outside of school, but we can do our part to make schools as safe as we can. If we all work together during this time of wider COVID-19 spread, we can get the number of county cases reduced. The reduction of this virus should be the goal of everyone and by working together we can get our county numbers reduced. Thanks!