The Woodson School District in conjunction with the Greenbush Service Center will conduct four summer camps at the Greenbush site. These camps are free for students who were in grades 3 through 6 this past school year. Transportation will be provided by the school district and lunch provided by Greenbush. The only requirement is, a camp form must be completed.
The dates and the themes of the camps are as follow:
June 28 - Astronomy
July 7 - WILD Day
July 14 - STEM Day
July 21 - Kansas History
If you are interested in enrolling your student in one camp or all four please email Dr. Steve Pegram at spegram@usd366. Pick your dates and we will send you a camp form to fill out or you can stop by the district office, 101 W. Butler, and pick one up. Details on departure and return times will be sent to those enrolled. No student is enrolled until the camp form is turned in. Space is limited, so sign up soon!