Woodson COVID Report-Thursday, August 26
The county is reporting 16 confirmed cases today, with at least 11 cases dropping off the list over the weekend. The majority of quarantined students in the district will return to school on Monday. Remember, quarantines can last anywhere from 10-20 days depending on whether there is a case in the home (normal 20 days) or a positive contact (usually10 days). Let’s hope for a good weedend!
The vaccine clinic held by CHC vaccinated 23 individuals on Wednesday.
The school district has submitted its grant request to KDHE for the test and stay program which will tests students daily rather than quarantine students who have positive contact. If approved, parents would have an option to quarantine or not quarantine.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
South School SQ-38 BSQ-3 PCS-1 PCB-1
High School SQ-4 BSQ-3 PCS-1 PCB-2
Non-Building DSQ-1 PCD-0
- SQ=Students Quarantined
- BSQ=Building Staff Quarantined (both teachers & classified)
- PCS=Positive Cases Students
- PCB=Positive Cases Building Staff
- Non-Building=Employees not assigned to a district building are reported as DSQ=District Staff Quarantined, PCD=Positive Cases of District Staff.