The following is the Covid report for Friday. The South School hit a bump yesterday with another classroom needing to quarantine. Due to several factors, this class will have the option of quarantining at home or at school with a modified classroom quarantine. The parents who choose this option will have students arrive after school starts and leave before school is out, and mask-wearing is a requirement. There are some other factors that will have to be met, and those will be shared with the parents of these students.
Friday, September 3, 2021
South School SQ-38 BSQ-1 PCS-4 PCB-0
High School SQ-2 BSQ-1 PCS-0 PCB-1
Non-Building DSQ-0 PCD-0
- SQ=Students Quarantined
- BSQ=Building Staff Quarantined (both teachers & classified)
- PCS=Positive Cases Students
- PCB=Positive Cases Building Staff
- Non-Building=Employees not assigned to a district school building are reported as DSQ=District Staff Quarantined, PCD=Positive Cases of District Staff.