The Woodson Covid report will soon have a new look. As the district moves into the Test to Stay Program, we will report covid issues in the district differently. We will report home quarantines, the number of those testing to stay, and positive cases in the buildings. More information will on the Test to Stay program will be coming soon. The following is the Covid report for Thursday.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
South School SQ-39 BSQ-1 PCS-6 PCB-1
High School SQ-2 BSQ-1 PCS-5 PCB-1
Non-Building DSQ-0 PCD-0
- SQ=Students Quarantined
- BSQ=Building Staff Quarantined (both teachers & classified)
- PCS=Positive Cases Students
- PCB=Positive Cases Building Staff
- Non-Building=Employees not assigned to a district school building are reported as DSQ=District Staff Quarantined, PCD=Positive Cases of District Staff.