Reminder HS Softball Parents meeting tonight at 6:15 in HS Commons

More Happy Plate Club members from last week! The menu items from last week are winner for sure!!!

More Happy Plate Club members from
last week!

Happy Plate Club members from last week! This kids are very proud of themselves!

Day two cont. Dad's day!

Day two of National School Breakfast Week and we were elated by the number of Dad's that came to eat with their children. It was a wonderful turn out as you can see!!! Thanks to all the days that came today!!! Tomorrow is Mom's day hope to see ladies tomorrow!


More pictures from todays breakfast with Grandma's and Special People
Thanks again to everyone who came today!!!!

This morning kicked off our first breakfast for our National School Breakfast Week celebration. We had many guests for breakfast. Thank you everyone that came today, we hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Dad's day is Tuesday, Mom's Wednesday, and Grandpa's on Thursday. Feel free to come any day, we would love to have you!!!


Activities for the week, High School Spring Sports start today, Good Luck on the season ahead!

This week is National School Breakfast Week, what a perfect time for you to come and eat breakfast with your kiddos. Cost of breakfast is $4.00 for adults. Please come through the front doors and you will then be directed to the gym. This week only the doors will open at 7:20 and breakfast will begin then. Mark your calendars and start your day off right with a yummy school breakfast. Questions please contact Shelley @ sdavis@usd366.net

Don't miss this opportunity to come and eat breakfast with you children. This week March 3rd-6th . HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE!

March Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Reminder: National School Breakfast Week is March 3-6th, mark your calendars and plan to come and eat breakfast with your child.

Our district is celebrating national chili day today . Today's lunch will be homemade chili with locally grown beef from Culver farms and processed by Woodson County Prime Meats. The meal will also consist of a homemade cinnamon roll, assorted fruits & vegetables, and milk choices. Thank you Joe & Shannon as well as Woodson County Prime Meats for allowing us to provide the best beef to our students!!!!!
This is a favorite meal of our students!!!!

All-State Band students heading to State!

High School Basketball teams travel to Chase County to begin Post-Season play. Come support the Wildcats!

All students K-5 were given order forms for books either written by or illustrated by R.W.Alley. He will be presenting to our students on April 1st.
Book orders are due by Monday, March 3. Additional forms can be picked up at the elementary office.

Next week is National School Breakfast Week, what a perfect time for you to come and eat breakfast with your kiddos. Cost of breakfast is $4.00 for adults. Please come through the front doors and you will then be directed to the gym. Next week the doors will open at 7:20 and breakfast will begin then. Mark your calendars and start your day off right with a yummy school breakfast. Questions please contact Shelley @ sdavis@usd366.net Hope to see everyone next week!!!!

National School Breakfast Week is next week March 3-6th. Please join your students for breakfast next week. Hope to see you all then!!!!