Stuco is hosting a middle school dance tomorrow evening (Thursday, March 23rd) from 6:30-8:30 at the YCEMS gym. Admission is $2.

Food Science practicing their measuring and observation skills while learning how different sugars affect yeast.

The YCHS golf team would like to thank Sticks Golf Lounge in Humboldt for allowing us to use their facilities for practice during this raining start to the season.

Congratulations to Luke for passing level 35 of his math facts and earning his shirt.

If you would like to order a yearbook for THIS school year, follow the link below!

Please use the following link if you are interested in purchasing a yearbook for the 2022-23 school year!


Yates Center High School would like to congratulate Aidan Yoho and Addison Solander for signing with ACC for Livestock Judging.

Looking ahead check out this message from the OPT.

The YCHS Student Council sponsored a pre-spring break kick off. There was a great turnout and the students had a lot of fun bowling and eating pizza. We just hope the sponsors recover from pulled muscles and soreness!

YCES AR Stars for the 3rd quarter include 5th grader Lee Hutton and 4th graders Paxton Petit and Dodge Arb for earning 100 AR points. Students joining the AR Millionaire club include 5th grader Joseph Bishop and 4th graders Conner Plegge, Addison Clay and Kennedy Owens. Keep up the great work kids!

Congratulations to these 2nd quarter AR Stars! Gauge Murrary and Morgen Crumrine earned 100 AR points; Kahlibyr Jacobs earned 200 points; Raquel Smith earned 400 points. Keep on reading kids!

Job well done by these students mastering 100 IXL Math objectives during the 2nd quarter. 2nd graders: Callan Slater, Derek Jones, Kahlibyr Jacobs, Carlos Schnichels, Tabor Stockebrand, and Jaidyn Knight; 3rd graders: Raquel Smith and Kade Owens; 4th grader: Sierra Stoll; 5th grader: Laken Culver.

The students learned about the abstract art of Picasso and his Cubism style and collage in Art this month!

First Grade Picasso Art with Kathe!


YCMS Quiz Bowl team ended their season last week with A team placing 3rd at Crest and Yates Center. B team placed 1st at Crest, 2nd at Yates Center and 2nd at Southeast.

Thank you Mr. Hurst and Duk for visiting First Grade!

Congratulations to Dodge Harris for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Friendly reminder about the Winter Sports Banquet tonight at YCHS Commons Area starting at 6:00 PM!