Congratulations to Jaidyn Knight for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Kindergarten through Fifth graders are excited that author, Laurel Snyder is coming to visit on March 29th. Students brought home an order form so anyone wanting copies of her books can order them. Order forms are due back to the school by Wednesday, March 2nd. #booksaregreat
about 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Order form
about 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
The MS Quiz Bowl teams had a great week! On Tuesday's meet hosted by Pleasanton, A team placed 3rd and B team placed 2nd. On Thursday's meet hosted by Westphalia, A team placed 3rd and B team placed 1st!
about 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
Last night was Senior / Parents night at Norris Gym. Thank you Seniors and Parents for your dedication and support of the Yates Center programs.
about 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
BB Parents Night
Yates Center Elementary & Middle School Parents! Don't forget to get your student's yearbook order turned in! Orders are due Tuesday, March 1st! The cost is $20 for a yearbook or $22 for a yearbook that includes the Flashbax, the 8 page addition that includes stories & pictures of worldwide news events from the year. Don't miss out!!
about 3 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Yates Center High School would like to thank Chet Kuplen from Sports in Kansas for coming and spending time with our students. Today's topic - "Think Before You Post".
about 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
Due to illness, Perry's Pork Rinds will not be at the game tonight.
about 3 years ago, Kayla Taylor
No Perry's tomorrow
MS/HS Track practice will start on Monday, February 28th at YCHS. Middle school students will ride the bus to the high school for practice. Students need to dress accordingly as practice will be outdoors. Don't forget to take a water bottle! If you have questions, call the office or email Coach Panko
about 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
Here are the March Menus!
about 3 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Mar BF
Mar Lunch
Bus Accident, 2.24.2022-It has been reported that Bus 2018 was involved in an accident this morning. What we know is that a truck slid into the bus and no one has been injured. Another bus is on the way to pick up the students and transport them to school. The bus involved in the incident will remain at the scene until the Highway Patrol finishes working the accident. If additional information needs to be shared we will do so.
about 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Perry's Pork Rinds will be at the Parent's Night basketball game.
about 3 years ago, Kayla Taylor
Mrs. Taylor’s Culinary Essentials class made Hollandaise sauce today as an example of emulsification. Our biscuit and egg sandwiches were extra fancy with this delicious sauce.
about 3 years ago, Kayla Taylor
Come support the class of 2023 in the concession stand at the Parent's Night basketball game.
about 3 years ago, Kayla Taylor
Spaghetti Dinner
Mrs. Fountain's third grade class with their teaching assistant learned about Mardi Gras and famous New Orleans musicians.
about 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Third grade
Substate Basketball starts next week. The host school will be Uniontown High School. Please use the following links for completed brackets.
about 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
SENIOR PARENT MEETING: Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 PM in the High School Commons Area.
about 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
Congratulations to the high school speech and drama team. The team participated in Burlington on Tuesday and had more outstanding performances. Results: Courtney Spoon 1st in Poetry, Maria Schnichels 1st in POI,Abigail Ballin Capps 3rd in SSA (Drama) and AJ Belcher 5th in Informative Speech
about 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
2sday fun
about 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Happy "Twos"day!😀
about 3 years ago, Abbie Collins