Reminder, there will be no school on Monday, January 18, 2021, due to district professional development.

Congratulations to Jesse Acklin for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

The Elementary School OPT recently received a check for $62.00 from BoxTops For Education. Go to your App store to find the BoxTops App or log on to https://www.boxtops4education.com/ for more info!!

We had a "movie theater" fun Friday with Popcorn today! What a fun way to start learning about the letter "P" in AM 3 year old Pre-K.

We had a "movie theater" fun Friday with Popcorn today! What a fun way to start learning about the letter "P" in PM 3 year old Pre-K.

1/15/21: Tonights basketball game with Pleasanton has been postponed due to weather conditions. A make up date has been set for Feb. 22.

Hiring Full Time Custodian at the High School. Apply at link below.

Congratulations to Kade Owens for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

The Woodson County Spelling Bee was held today. Congratulations to all the participants and to the champion, Cooper O’Brien and the reserve champion Mason Collins. They received cash prizes from the Yates Center Branch bank.

Congratulations to Emilie Benteman for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Carter Stockebrand for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Genevieve Strode for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Sign up for Casey's Rewards & help our school earn funds!! Follow this link to get signed up - https://www.caseys.com/rewards. Yates Center Elementary School recently received a donation from the Casey's rewards program!! Thank you to the anonymous donor!!

Games tonight begin at 6 pm. There will be a boy's B game (half) followed by the boy's varsity game. There are no girl's games tonight.
All home games will be streamed through the following link should you still want to watch the Yates Center basketball games. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspOMdP6p5FvR4AUry13G9w
It might be easier to copy past the link address into your browser that trying to copy it since it is extremely long!

Basketball Update: 1/12/21 games vs S.E. Cherokee will be Boys only. All games will be played in Norris Gym starting at 6:00 PM with a 1/2 JV Boys followed by Varsity Boys.

Happy Birthday, Dodge!!

Congratulations to Hadley Heffiner for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Mylee Myers for finishing the Lexia Reading Program!

First graders enjoyed learning about Vincent van Gogh during their first Friday art lesson with Kathe.

Hiring Full Time Custodian at the High School. Apply at link below.