Nutrition and Wellness learn how to make noodles from scratch.

Wildcat High School Basketball Games Tonight (12/15) at Uniontown will be live-streamed. The links are below:
Link for JV Gym at UHS starting at 6:30 PM – https://youtu.be/xe3ERUdDiUI
Link for Varsity Gym at WBE starting at 6:00 PM – https://youtu.be/MAKUBU9i-gc

Congratulations to Easton Reynolds for signing to play golf at Washburn University!

Congratulations to Tristen Cartright for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Faelen Nelson for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Quinn Slater for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading

COVID Update for the Week of December 14 – The COVID report from county health reports 14 current active COVID cases in Woodson County. The district will remain in its orange phase for the last week of school before break. This phase requires mandatory mask-wearing in the building.

The original link to the junior high game at Uniontown is not working the following is the new one. https://youtu.be/gGTzpt1FSdY

District Shout Outs
· I would like to give a shout out to Erica Dick for bringing our milk and snack out every day. I also enjoy our short visits when I see you in the building.
· Mr. Graf for all his hard work with athletics.
· Our district substitutes for being so incredibly flexible and helpful this school year.
· To the custodial staff for all the extra work, they’ve had to put in this school year.
· Thank you to the bus drivers for checking the temperatures of students before they come to school.
· Halie Williams, thanks for all the time and effort you put in working on COVID issues in the building.
· I’d like to shout out to the group of eighth-graders who occasionally help put away the cafeteria tables after lunch period.
· To our students for making the change to the Orange Level remarkably well.
· Thank you to SEKMCHD for the donation of hand sanitizer for our students.
· Shout out to Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Culver, along with their families, for stepping up and going beyond expectations.

Yates Center High School Boys Basketball is Cancelled tonight 12/10 due to COVID on the Cherryvale Boys Team. No Boys or Boys Parents will be allowed to go to the Girls Game Tonight.

Congratulations to Emery Yoho who placed third in the FFA creed speaking contest and to Aidan Yoho who placed fifth in the FFA speech contest. Aidan qualified for the state competition to be held in the Spring.

KSHSAA Attendace Policy
Effective Thursday, December 10 through January 28, 2021, interscholastic activities will allow for attendance of up to two parents/guardians per participant(s) family as allowed by local board of education or health department restrictions.
Accordingly, the KSHSAA is receiving a number of requests for clarification and provides the following consistent interpretations for your use:
1. Participants include:
· Players
· Coaches
· Student Managers
· Cheer squads/coaches
· Dance teams/coaches
· Pep bands/directors
· Student Journalists
2. Coaches may have parents/guardians or spouse/significant other.
3. Children of coaches and administrators do not meet the definition approved by the BOD.
4. School Board members do not meet the criteria established by the BOD unless their child is an active participant.
5. Parents/guardians are there to support their child while in competition; there is no reason for them to attend “all” games in the facility on a given day.
6. Teams playing in that facility as part of a multi-game event may remain in the gym as long as they are socially distant.
7. All spectators must be masked the entire time in facility, even if they are socially distanced.
8. No “substitutes” for parent/guardian if they are unable to attend contest.
9. Event staff are not afforded parent/guardian or spouse attendance.
10. The impacted interscholastic activities include basketball, bowling, debate, forensics/speech, scholars bowl, swimming & diving, and wrestling.
Please remember, the reason restricted attendance is necessary is to minimize exposure opportunities and support school and community health (both CDC and KDHE recommend no mass gatherings).

Ms. Munch's class celebrated Carly's birthday today! Happy Birthday!

Yates Center Elementary School received a donation today of 2 cases of Kleenex from one of our generous district patrons! Thank you so much for the donation! Our teachers and students are appreciative!

Information for being able to watch the Uniontown vs Yates Center Junior High Basketball Game on Thursday, December 10 at Uniontown is below. The first game will start at 5:30 PM. All games will be played at WBE. The games will be on the Uniontown YouTube Channel. Links to both rosters are included.
Uniontown YouTube- https://youtu.be/g2v5H3tqZ6k
Uniontown JH Basketball Roster - https://5il.co/npsq
Yates Center JH Basketball Roster - https://5il.co/npsr

Poster Contest Winners-The following students were selected as the winners of the Woodson County Conservation District Poster Contest, Gold Award-Casey Collier, Silver Award-Laken Culver, and Bronze Award-McKenley O’Brien.

On Tuesday, Dec. 8 the KSHSAA amended the attendance policy for KSHSAA events. Effective Thursday, December 10 through January 28, 2021, interscholastic activities will allow for attendance of up to two parents/guardians per participant(s) family as allowed by local board of education or health department restrictions. The Middle School office will be developing a list of parents/guardians that may attend based on the information provided by those participating. Only the parents/legal guardians that are on the list will be allowed to attend the games. This same list will be emailed to road games for parent/legal guardian attendance. While attending contests all persons MUST properly wear a face mask and maintain social distance.

On Tuesday, Dec. 8 the KSHSAA amended the attendance policy for KSHSAA events. Effective Thursday, December 10 through January 28, 2021, interscholastic activities will allow for attendance of up to two parents/guardians per participant(s) family as allowed by local board of education or health department restrictions. The High School office will be developing a list of parents that may attend based on the information provided during enrollment via our Powerschool student management system. Only the parents/legal guardians that we have on file in the office will be allowed to attend the games. This same list will be emailed to road games for parent/legal guardian attendance. While attending contests all persons MUST properly wear a face mask.

Come participate in the Scavenger Hunt in conjunction with the Festival of Lights!

Wildcat Winter Classic Update: Due to Covid 19 quarantines several teams have dropped out of the tournament this week. Changes to the playing scheduled have changed daily if not hourly. Here is the playing schedule for tournament games at YCHS as of today. Dec. 8 - 6:00 PM (G)Cherryvale vs Olpe 7:30 (B) Cherryvale vs Hartford. Dec. 10 - 6:00 PM (G) YCHS vs Cherryvale 7:30 PM (B) YCHS vs Cherryvale. Dec 11 - 6:00 PM (G) YCHS vs Olpe 7:30 PM (B) YCHS vs Hartford. All games will be streamed via Facebook Live.