Yates Center high school students Hannah Jones, Abigail Ballin-Capps, Adam Spencer, Alec Berthot and Jack King traveled to Burlington High school for their invitational scholars' bowl meet on Monday November 2nd, with all due precautions. The outing had YC winning 4 rounds and losing 3 rounds on the night.
Temperature checks, mandatory mask wearing and significant social distancing were observed for the first scholar bowl meet of the year. Competitions this season will vary with some virtual and some face to face...
Relief Bus Drivers Wanted - Apply on Link
Elementary Students had a great time learning about Bats through the presentation and then working with their families completing a project.
The presentation can be found here: https://youtu.be/k1HondXP7Fo
At the State Cross Country meet in Victoria Austin Moffet placed 43rd out of 108 runners and AJ Belcher came in 36th with 96 runners in her race...Congratulations!
Happy Halloween!🎃
October 30, 2020 - The county health department is reporting 5 active cases of COVID-19 in Woodson County. The Woodson School District will remain in it's yellow phase for the week of November 2nd.
Happy Birthday!!
Please enjoy our YCES/MS Red Ribbon Week Video.
Mrs. Brilke's classes with their Jack-O-Lanterns!!
The cafeteria staff at YCES go above and beyond for our students!!
Food Science studied how ice crystals form by making fruit sorbet. Zeno J. and Collin R. complete a sensory analysis to determine which sorbet made the best product.
Good Luck to senior Austin Moffet and freshman AJ Belcher as they travel to the state Cross Country meet in Victoria.
Wildcat Football end season with a big win over the Flinthills Mustangs 44-15.
Aiden Taylor working on filling out his bat facts with his family for bat week.
We made Jack'o Lanterns today! The seeds and pulp were SLIMY!
District Shout Outs
· To my students and coworkers who made my 40th birthday special!
· To Shannon Ashlock for making my classroom floor look so much better!
· Thanks to the transportation department for all you do!
· To all the fall sports coaches and support systems in allowing our students the opportunity to participate in fall activities!
· Shout out to Judy Cuppy for helping with preparation and clean up at the football games this year
· Shout out to Mrs. Wendland for setting up the awesome Bat Zoom with Mr. Barlow!
· Thanks to Mr. Barnes for his Techno savvy ways. He helped fix the projector so the YCHS A&P class can practice anatomy sections.
· Nacole Olson, nice job meeting the needs of students!
· Shout out to Rex McVey and the cross-country runners. Good luck at State on Saturday.
· To John and Chris for getting the ice meltdown to keep us all safe.
· Thanks for the bat week activities for the students! It was awesome!
State Cross Country is this Saturday. If you are unable to make the 4 hour trip to Victoria you may watch via live stream. All the State meets may be viewed at: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/kshsaa. Austin Moffet will run at 9:30 and A.J. Belcher at 10:05.
Student Immunizations-According to Kansas regulations all students must have immunizations up to date to remain in school. The Woodson School District has established the first Monday of November, November 2nd for students to be in compliance. Students not in compliance on November 2nd will not be allowed to attend school. Students needing immunizations should have already notified, with a final notice being ready to send out. Please check with your local doctor or with county health should your child need the required immunizations.
Congratulations to Bentlee Cargill for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!