Elementary/MS Building Visitors • The building is not accepting visitors. If you need to come to the building for school business, please call the office for a time to come to the office. If you need to pick up your student, please call the school office, and we will attempt to have them ready for you. During the school day circle drive pickup is acceptable. There is one exception to the no visiting rule, and this deals with kindergarten and first-grade students. The first seven days, the end of the first full week, parents may walk their students to the classrooms. The wearing of masks of those walking students to class or entering the building would be much appreciated.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Elementary/MS Breakfast/Lunch - Through student arrival communication, breakfast has been addressed. Breakfast will be a grab and go meal, which is taken to the classroom of the student. Lunch will be a combination of grab and go and in the gym dinning. We have limited the capacity of the gym to approximately 66 students per lunch period. Grade levels have been paired by using K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-8. Grade levels will alternate on a two-week cycle of eating in the gym or the classroom unless an agreement to change is made by the grade-level groups. In middle school, the smallest class, 7th grade, will dine in Mr. McVey’s classroom under Mr. McVey’s guidance.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Elementary Student Arrival - Just in case the elementary/MS back to school letter doesn’t arrive before Thursday, we will be posting parts of the changes occurring this year at the elementary school to get this information out to as many of you as we can. There will be several postings of this information, so we apologize in advance if it seems we’re over sending this information out. Student Arrival - Main Entrance - The doors of the elementary school will open at 7:30 am. Students who arrive early will be asked to wait outside until that time. Students will also be asked to keep distancing the best they can while waiting. K-5 students who are not eating breakfast will go to the left and proceed to their classrooms. Those eating breakfast will turn right and proceed to the gym to pick up a grab-and-go breakfast and then go to the classroom. Middle school students entering the building through the main entrance will turn right and either go to their first-hour classroom or go through the gym and pick up a grab and go breakfast and head to their first-hour classroom. Bus/Westside - The entrance to the gym has changed. Students entering through the west entrance, north of the gym door, will proceed to the gym. These students will either get in the breakfast line or take the north gym route and then head for their first-hour classrooms.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Elementary Student Departures – A letter has been sent to all households of elementary students on some of the procedures for the upcoming school year. With the status of the mail delivery, I thought I would post the biggest change taking place not to surprise as many people as possible. Student Departures will be one of the biggest changes to take place. We will stagger the student dismissal by dismissing community walking students at 3:05, followed by bus students at 3:10, and those being picked up by parents at 3:15. The biggest change will come with not using the circle drive for student pick up and not having staff open doors for students. Parents picking up students are asked to pull in, lights facing the fence, on State street. Students will be dismissed and walk down the sidewalk to meet their rides. Parents are welcome to wait outside for their students to be dismissed from school, but we would ask that you practice social distancing. Please help make this process smooth. The dismissal of students being transported is an area we would like to see flow much better this year and with your help, we can accomplish this change.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
SEK Multi-County Health reports that as of Thursday, August 13, 2020, Woodson County has one active case of COVID-19. Woodson 366 will begin the school year in our green phase on August 20, 2020. The reopening document can be found on the district website (https://www.usd366.net/) by clicking the menu, documents, and the plan should be at the top of the list.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Athletic Practices start Monday, August 17. Any student wishing to participate must have a KSHSAA Physical Form on file at their school. Athletes may not practice until the school has a completed physcial form. High School Practice Schedule: (Monday) Football - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Volleyball - 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Cross Country - 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
over 4 years ago, Karl Hamm
Class of 2020: Your yearbooks have arrived! If you prepaid for a 2019-2020 yearbook, it is in the HS office. Office is open 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM daily. If you did not prepay, but you still want a yearbook, we have plenty. See message below. USD 366 Community: You still have an opportunity to purchase a 2019-2020 yearbook. The price is $45, and you may contact amarsh@usd366.net to get your purchase completed. Community Members who Prepaid: Your books will be delivered/sent to you upon the students' return to school.
over 4 years ago, Karl Hamm
Alumni Volleyball
over 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Alumni Volleyball
Middle School Football will have a meeting Thursday 6:00pm at the Football Stadium
over 4 years ago, Natasha Hurst
The district has revised its reopening plan to reflect some building changes and to match county health active COVID cases used to determine specific phases the district might need to move to. To view the plan go to the website or the app and open documents and the revised plan should be at the top of the list.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Attention High School Volleyball Players!! There will be a parent/athlete meeting on Wednesday, August 12th in the High School Commons at 6pm with Coach King. Practice starts August 17th at 7:30am!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. King
If you were unable to come in to the school for during the enrollment period & you have not completed the online enrollment, please call your student’s school to confirm their attendance. Classes need to be set ASAP! High School 620-625-8820 & Elem. 620-625-8860. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Open House for the Elementary School has been CANCELLED!!
over 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
From Coach Fountain- Middle School Volleyball sign up/parent meeting is Tuesday, August 11th. It will take place at 6:30 pm in my classroom at the elementary. Feel free to share this with any middle school students at YCMS that might be interested! Your student athlete will be needing a physical if they haven’t already got one for this year! Can’t wait to see you there! 💙🤍
over 4 years ago, Natasha Hurst
Woodson County Rec Football: (Grades 3/4 - Flag) (Grades 5/6 tackle) Parents organizational meeting and sign up will be Tuesday, August 11 at the old football field. (Delay Stadium) 3/4 Grade Meeting will be from 6:00 - 6:30 5/6 Grade Meeting will be from 6:30- 7:00 PM. If you are unable to attend please contact the YC Rec page to make other arrangements.
over 4 years ago, Karl Hamm
2020-2021 Meal Prices K-8 Breakfast $1.60 K-8 Lunch $2.60 9-12 Breakfast $1.70 9-12 Lunch $3.05 Reduced Breakfast $0.30 Reduced Lunch $0.40 Adult Breakfast $2.40 Adult Lunch $4.10
over 4 years ago, Natasha Hurst
Enrollment – School enrollment will begin Wednesday, August 5, in both buildings running from 1 pm to 8 pm. Thursday, August 6, enrollment will be 8 am-2 pm in both buildings. The high school has an additional day of enrollment on Friday, August 7, for new students to the high school and virtual students. Should you want to enroll online, the directions can be found on the website in the Live Feed section. A current email must be used on all students. The email address is used to provide you a password to enroll your students. Here’s to hoping everyone has a smooth enrollment procedure!
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Preschool Information – Preschool will attendance will be established based on residency. Yates Center City students will attend the morning session, and rural students will attend the afternoon session. If a parent would like to request a switch to the other session, this request can be made by contacting the elementary office. Requests will only be granted if it improves the balance of the morning or afternoon sessions.
over 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Parents/Guardians: You WILL need to stop by during enrollment to fill out health forms that are required to be on file even if you have completed your child’s registration process online. These forms were not included in the online registration process. Enrollment times are Wed. Aug. 5th – 1:00-8:00 & Thurs., Aug. 6th 8:00-4:00.
over 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Reminder: You must have a completed Pre-Participation Physical Form With You To Get Your Physical!
over 4 years ago, Karl Hamm