Meals are out and ready for pick up! Remember food is an essential. We are ready to serve our kids.
A message from NCCC regarding online courses
As you know, NCCC is teaching online for the remainder of the semester. Instructors are communicating with students through their NCCC email accounts. I am concerned that our high school students are not regularly checking their NCCC email.
If at all possible, would you send a notice out to your students who are taking courses through NCCC stressing the importance of checking their NCCC emails regularly? If students do not know how to do this, please have them contact one of the individuals listed below.
• Students attending NCCC courses in Allen, Woodson, or Neosho counties contact Karah Kellogg,
• Anyone may contact Amy Smith, administrative assistant,
• Students can reach their instructors at their email addresses (first initial, last name
Thank you for helping us ensure good communication between instructors and students.
There have been some questions regarding the district feeding program as to whether it is still in effect. The answer is YES! Meals will be delivered until the official last day of school unless we are ordered not to. Under the Governor's order, we can still feed our students.
A much needed THANK YOU to OUR AMAZING Food Service Ladies & OUR Wonderful Drivers for the meals this week! Our Woodson County Kids are Loving them. This week we put together 2,196 bags so that is 4,392 meals! That is more than 94% of our students!
The continuous learning plan can be found on the website by clicking the menu button. The continuous learning plan section is a the top of the menu. Click on student assignments and this will take to all grade level assignment.
Elem. & MS Parents~ If you haven't picked up your student's belongings please come in today!! We are here until 3:00. Call the office if you need to make other arrangements!
District Update
March 27, 2020
Continuous Learning Plan
The continuous learning plan is now activated on the district website. With my little experience with the link, it appears to work best from a computer. If you are using an iPhone, you will need to hold your finger on the link for a second or two, and then open the page. I can’t tell you how an android phone works since I haven’t seen it operate. If you have problems with the page, please let us know. This page was created by Mrs. Patty Dick, with input from other Woodson teachers. Our instructional staff continues to amaze me as to what they will do to help the students and parents of the Woodson School District!
NCCC CTE On-Campus Courses
NCCC has canceled the two technical courses being taught at the high school. Students in these classes will receive the grade they had at the time of the school closure from the district. As for the NCCC grade, it will be recorded as incomplete. Arrangements to complete the college portion of the courses will be addressed through NCCC.
Food Service
If you would, please make sure there are no dogs running loose when meals are delivered on the bus routes. If you do have dogs running loose, these deliveries won’t be made unless someone comes to the vehicle to pick up the meals.
As far as meals, the district delivered another record high on Thursday. The foodservice and transportation staff delivered 476 meals! The work of these two departments and the volunteer work of the teachers and classified staff in bagging the meals has been impressive! I have also been told there might be a surprise treat in the bag today?
We love getting these photos from our drivers who are seeing our kids and their smiles. Feeding Woodson County Kids! Today 471 bags so 942 meals!
District Update
March 26, 2020
Continuous Learning Plan
The continuous learning plan that can be found on the district website will be activated sometime on Friday. When the site activated, a notification will be sent. Hopefully, this site will allow you to find assignments and activities for you, students. As always, it is your decision to how much or how little you determine your student needs to do.
Food Service
Another day of success in the foodservice area. On Wednesday, the foodservice department delivered 460 bags or delivered 920 meals to the children of the school district. To put that in perspective, if everyone was a student in the Woodson School District, the foodservice staff would have provided meals to 96% of our students!
The current district food service program is open to any child in the district age 1-18, whether they are enrolled in the district or not. Should you know of some families hosting children from another school district or from out-of-state, let them know about this food resource. To add students to the out-of-town deliveries, email
Personal Items
The elementary will send out a notice to when and how personal items may be picked up. I want to commend the work of the custodial staff and those who volunteered to help them make a very quick change in how students, at the high school, would pick up their belonging. It was impressive seeing and hearing how everyone helped one another!
Delivering Meals out to Woodson County Kids. They are so excited about seeing our Delivery Team! Stay Healthy Kids!
District Update
March 25, 2020
Student Assignments
• The district will be using two methods to deliver continuous learning to our students. The first being online learning, which will be the easiest for most of the staff to provide. Most lessons will work through programs our students already know and use daily. Contact with the student’s teachers will also be more accessible.
For those receiving packets, we will attempt to mail these out on Friday’s. When you receive them is anyone’s guess. If you would, put some time aside during the day to allow your students to complete the work.
The continuous learning plan developed by the instructional staff is our attempt to allow students to still progress in their education. As with anything the district does to provide educational opportunities, the role of the parent is the essential factor in the learning process. What you can do to help out the teachers with these assignments would be appreciated.
Please have your students check their emails. We have teachers trying to contact them to see what we can do for them and just to check in to see how they are doing.
NCCC Classes
• The district has two NCCC Career and Technical courses. As far as the district is concerned, we do not require these courses to be completed for our records. NCCC has asked the instructors to complete the classes since the class size is below the ten-person requirement to meet. If these courses aren’t finished, students will receive an incomplete for the semester from NCCC. I am going to leave the decision of completing the coursework up to the parents. Again, as far as high school credit, the district has what it needs to award the student’s grades.
Website Update
• Plans are to activate the district learning plan link sometime on Friday. This site will allow you to see the assignments for the week of all teachers. Hopefully, there won’t be any problems accessing this site. If you do run into trouble finding what you need, please let us know.
Food Service
• After two days of serving meals, the district has delivered over 800 bags of food. These bags include breakfast and lunch for a total of 1,600 meals being served. The number of meals couldn’t be accomplished without the work of the foodservice staff and a variety of classified and certified help with the bagging of the meals. If there are still rural children and students, we aren’t serving email where we can get them added to our deliveries. The Yates Center students can pick up meals at the high school from 11 am to noon. Ages of the children and students who can receive meals are 1-18 years old.
County/State Shelter in Place
• Should there be a shelter in place order made for Woodson County of the State, we will post this, along with what it means to deliver educational support to our students. At the current time, there has been no such order placed, but should there be, we will do what we can to support the students of the Woodson School District.
High school students: please enter the building by the office. All your personal items have been bagged up for you. If you need to check out a chrome book please see Angie in the office. Students will not go into the building past the office.
High School Students: When you start coming in to pick up personal items please: 1) Keep social distance 2) Please return all books 3) Return spring sports uniforms 4) Chrome Books may be checked out for the rest of the school year.
Pickup times for Elementary & Middle School Student personal belongings will be this Thursday & Friday between the hours of 8:00 am & 3:00 pm. If you need a technology device this would also be the time for that as well as any medications or PE clothes. No more than 4 students will be allowed in the building at one time.
Social Distancing will be maintained during this time. We will have hand sanitizer available at the entrance doors.
The district' continuous learning plan will not be activated until Friday. Teachers are just beginning to develop their plans and assignments for next week. The district will send notice when the site is opened. Thanks!
Woodson County USD Staff working together to feed our kids
Woodson 366 Update
Teachers reported back to work today to begin developing lessons for students. For the teachers, this week is a planning and preparation week. The preparation will include the development of both virtual or packet learning. Packet learning can either be emailed or delivered through the US mail. The delivery method will be determined through teacher contact with parents and students. All lessons will be posted online on the district website and should be available on the district mobile app. All assignments should be in place on Friday for the week of March 30th. Future weekly lessons will be posted by Friday for the next week.
The district is willing to send home school devices for your students. If devices are needed in your homes, please contact the building your student attends to arrange to pick up. Parents, if you could update your phone numbers and email addresses, this would be much appreciated.
As with anything new, and only having a week to accomplish this, there will be issues arise. If something isn’t working correctly, please let the buildings know. They will do their best to see that a solution is resolved.
A big thank you goes out to all of those involved in the preparation and delivery of meals on Monday. This group provided 394 meals to the students of the school district! After the first day, this group has re-evaluated the process and have come up with ideas to streamline the process to help in the preparation and delivery process. Please remember, the program is open to all children ages 1-18. The Yates Center drive-through is open from 11-noon Monday through Friday, located in the southwest parking lot of the high school.
Meal Delivery Love - Piper and Knox Albert
The kids loved their surprise lunches today!!! Thanks for all your hard work!! 💕 - Johnson, Jennings, and O'Brien Families
HS Locker Clean Out: March 25 - Frosh 8:00-9:00 AM Soph 10:00-11:00 AM. March 26: Jr’s 8:00-9:00 AM Sr’s 10:00 - noon. All school items are to be returned and chrome books may be checked out if needed.