Carlos Schnichels has moved above grade level in Lexia Reading! Congratulations!
Wildcats advance to semi finals of WWC Thursday with a victory over Hartford..
Varsity Girls battle back after being down by 14 to tie but lose with a score of 41-47..vs Hartford in the first round of the WWC
JV boys get big victory tonight vs Hartford..
Middle school students are busy in the library using their problem solving skills.
Congrats to the FFA Ag Management teams for placing 2nd in the A team and winning the B team. Aidan Yoho placed 1st, Hannah Jones 2nd, Adam Spencer 3rd, Canon Cavender 5th, Shane Weber 8th. Alec Berthot placed 1st and Ryan Hilderbrand placed 7th on the A team.
Aidan Yoho placed 4th in his prepared Ag speech.
FFA members competed in Ag management, speech and food science contests
FFA members competed in Ag management, speech and food science contests
Wildcat Junior High Boys scores vs
NE Arma...
C Team 5-10
B Team 7-45
A Team 10-41
Free/Reduced Meals If your family has had a change in income or loss of jobs do not hesitate to fill out a new meal application form for your household. You may now qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Application can be found on the district website tap Food Service.
Sophomore Parents Meeting Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. in the High School Commons Area.
Free/Reduced Meals If your family has had a change in income or loss of jobs do not hesitate to fill out a new meal application form for your household. You may now qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Application can be found on the district website tap Food Service.
Congratulations to Jesse Steinbrook for representing YCHS at the Southeast Kansas Music Educators Association in PSU.
K-4 Christmas music program! Great job everyone.
Congratulations to the boys and girls middle school basketball teams last night.
Boys team 28-15
Girls team 21-20
Congratulations to Carter Stockebrand for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
Congratulations to Caleb Boyce for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
Varsity Scholar Bowl wins at Moran
Varsity Scholar Bowl wins at Moran
Congratulations to River De La Torre for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!