Lady Cat volleyball in game three Humboldt...
over 5 years ago, Kathe Hamman
Lady Cats in Game 3 with Humboldt at Tourny ..
Team Huddle ...getting last minutes advice from coach King!
HS VOLLEYBALL First match of the day the cats lose to Waverly. 1-2
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
HS FOOTBAL Final SE 48 - YC 0
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
HS FOOTBALL End of third quarter SE 42. - YC 0
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
HS FOOTBALL At half SE 35 - YC 0
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL End of first quarter SE 6 - YC 6
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
A big thank you to the Eastern Star for the donation of school supplies!
over 5 years ago, Eric Busteed
Eastern Star donations.
JH FOOTBALL FINAL Pleasanton 60-AM/YC 12
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
JH FOOTBALL At the end of 3 Pleasanton 54-AM/YC 12
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
JH FOOTBALL At the half Pleasanton 34-AM/YC 6
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
MS B team win their match in two games versus Colony-Crest. Great day to be a wildcat.
over 5 years ago, Eric Busteed
MS B team VB
JH FOOTBALL End of the first quarter Pleasanton 16-AM/YC 6
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
The MS lady cats won a hard fought volleyball game vs. Colony-Crest. Go Wildcats!
over 5 years ago, Eric Busteed
MS volleyball
Congratulations Addison Clay for moving to above grade level work in the Lexia reading program!
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
FIFTH Graders visited the Earth Balloon today learning about taking care of our earth. @woodsonusd366
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
heading in
earth balloon
5th grade
FFA members brought home third place at the S.E. Area Entomology Career Development Event today at Fort Scott. Along with a fourth place individual medal. #blueandgold
over 5 years ago, Valerie McGee
FFA entomology judgers
FFA entomology Team
Congrats to YCHS Volleyball team on going 2-1 last night. Beating St Paul 2-0 and Uniontown 2-1, and losing a late night battle with Southeast 2-0.
over 5 years ago, Jason Graf
Congratulations to Jeremiah Jones, Alania Cartright, Laken Culver, Emilie Benteman, and Jim Olson, all Yates Center Elementary students now working at above grade level in Lexia Reading!
over 5 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Need to correct a previous post. Lady Cats over St. Paul 25-18 25-11.
over 5 years ago, Jason Graf
Lady Cats over St. Paul 25-28 25-22
over 5 years ago, Karl Hamm