Some of our MS students had a zoom call with Heather Horton, the owner/manager of TOAST in Pittsburg. She talked about owning a small business and the food service industry. She shared the benefits of using local produce and produce that is grown in a hydroponic system.



Poultry Judging Results! We are super proud of them!! It was a great day of judging!!
-A Team placed 7th
-B Team placed 4th
Lauren Schultz tied for 8th and received a medal!

There will be a junior class parent meeting tonight at the high school commons at 6:30.

Today our YCES 5th grade Ambassadors are working together with area schools. This activity had students distinguish between qualities of a leader vs. a boss.

Daily Guests Welcome!!
Tuesday: Firefighter, Law Enforcement, EMS, Servicemen & women
Wednesday: Mom/Guardians/Special Loved Ones
Thursday: Dad/Guardians/Special Loved Ones
**please note: For Kindergarten parents (reminder No Kindergarten Thursday) please feel free to come Tuesday or Wednesday.

Reminder: No school for Kindergarten on Thursday!


The students journey to Brazil during their art tour around the world last week during the First Friday. They learned custom, viewed landmarks and and the folk art of the county. The students then created a Morpho butterfly native to the Brazilian Rainforest, which they learned can grow to 10” across.


First grade enjoyed learning about Brazil and making butterflies during First Friday Art!

Just a quick reminder that National School Breakfast Week is this week, March 6-9th.
The students will love to have community/family members come eat breakfast with them. Breakfast this week will run from 7:30-8:30. Cost of breakfast is $3.50. Upon arrival please stop by the Elementary/MS office.

The second grade classes read to Mrs. Proper's 7th grade today.

Today YCMS Student Council attended a workshop at Greenbush on implementing SMART Goals . #ycwildcats

In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday and Read Across America, the 4th Graders read books to the Kindergarteners

YCMS placed 1st in tonight's league contest in both A and B pools. Great night to be a Wildcat!!

The 3rd Grade music class learned about the process of writing music from guests Jessie Hoag and Jesse Jack Sample.

