Congratulations to Zoey Scheibmeir for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Congratulations to Lucas Fairbanks for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Students were recognized for mastering 100 math objectives in the IXL program.

Stars in IXL were recognized today at the elementary school.

Mrs. Shaffer’s class put their skills to work today! Herschel built a planter while Kade and Kellan built snow plows.

Congrats to Addison Clay and Derek Jones for completing Lexia! #ycwildcats



PK3 celebrated a birthday this week! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to Gracyn Leis for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Art with Ms. Hamman

A special thank you to Pastor Jimmy with the United Methodist Church for buying pizza for the middle school basketball teams to congratulate them on an undefeated season.



Happy Birthday Dodge!

Shelley Davis
9:33 AM (19 minutes ago)
to me
If you have a student @ YCES with an upcoming birthday let the Wildcat Food Service Dept take the ease off of your day! For the low price of $1.00 per student in the class, we can make your child/children's day a special one. Check out all of the different options we have for your child to pick from. Contact Shelley @ sdavis@usd366.net for more information.

The Elementary School words for December were Honesty & Integrity. Students were selected who demonstrated these traits throughout the month. Congratulations to each of them.

The YC Recreation Bitty Ball Skills and Games nights will begin Jan. 11th at the high school gym at 6 pm. Please arrive no earlier than 5:45. 1st and 2nd graders will be in the Norris Gym. 3rd-5th graders will be in the upper old gym.


We love seeing you at school!