Congratulations to Raquel Smith for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Congratulations to Scarlett Scheibmeir for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats


YCMS Girls basketball parent meeting that was scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 27th, will be moved to Friday because of the high school football game that is scheduled for Thursday. Also, practice on Thursday will be dismissed at 4:45pm.

Students in Ms. Cradduck’s class read a book independently, and brought back a book report and a pumpkin to represent the book they read!

Kade celebrated his birthday yesterday with treats from the Wildcat Food Service Dept. Birthday forms can be sent home with students or picked up in the YCEMS office. Happy Birthday Kade!

First grade enjoyed their field trip to Lampe's Pumpkin Patch!

8th graders in Miss Shaffer’s science classes tested their engineering design of cars today.

Conner and Gauge earned their kindness certificates.

Ms. Shaffer's 8th grade Science class put their engineering skills to the test.

3rd grade learning about weather and it’s impacts at Greenbush. #ycwildcats

5th Grade Ambassadors attend Leadership training at Greenbush. Be a WILDCAT! #ycwildcats

Congratulations to Gauge and Bentlie for meeting their Book-Talk Challenge Goal in Mrs. Estes’ classroom.

The 6th and 7th Grade Keyboarding Classes have their GAMES On! Type To Learn Adjusted Words Per Minute Class Champions for Lesson 7.

It’s time for all YCES students to shoot for the stars! The IXL Fall Showdown has officially begun!

Thank you Farm Bureau! First grade enjoyed learning about pumpkins and making pumpkin pie in a bag.

Visiting with an author is always a good time. Today Kindergarten, First and Second graders met with Author, Kevin Rader.

Don't forget!

Thank you to the best in the business for getting our students to and from school safely!

Dodge and Morgen are spreading kindness throughout YCEMS!