5th graders went on a field trip to the Lampe Heritage Farm and Pumpkin Patch. They had a great time learning about the pond ecosystem, erosion control, and the life cycle of pumpkins!

YCEMS Students who completed their kindness challenge for the month of September celebrated with an ice cream sandwich.

Yates Center High School students moved the bleachers to the bank today for Friends for Life.


Second grade had a Skype Presentation today about Native Americans.

Happy Birthday Zoey and Scarlett!

Thank you to JJ Edwards State Farm for providing pizza for the teachers in celebration of World Teacher Day.
It was very much appreciated!


The September Kindness and Respect winners were presented with certificates along with a coupon for ice cream donated by Antiques Boutiques & Sweets. Congratulations to these students for showing kindness and respect throughout the month of September. Kindness and respect was the focus for the month of September at Yates Center Elementary School.


October Menus are here!!

Undefeated today. Way to go Lady Cats! #ycwildcats


Yates Center beats Cedar Vale 50-14.

Yates Center Football 42-14 over Cedar Vale at the half.

Check out this video from Title 1 about the importance of handwriting. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFL84d5u2I/SW7qO3bzs_XWcoF7kdosxg/view?utm_content=DAFL84d5u2I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=recording_view

Congratulations to Lahrimyr Jacobs for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Mrs. Estes and Ms. Hendrickson's 5th grade classes had a "hole" lot of fun doing Dunkin' Math today. After a great lesson on money, everyone enjoyed a tasty donut.

After learning about fairy tales, Ms. Cradduck’s class made summary crowns about the book Princess Hyacinth using their “5-finger summaries.” They can tell you the summary of any book just by using their 5 fingers!

October 2nd is National School Custodian Day. Woodson USD #366 has some of the best around! Thank you for all of your work to make our facilities sparkle.