


Happy Birthday Ruger!

OPT meeting

The high school won their first match and then dropped their second one in two close games.

High school volleyball won their first game at Peabody-Burns.

It’s a beautiful day to do math outside! Mrs. Estes’ 5th graders did math review problems for their test tomorrow.

The YCMS volleyball game is at Crest today starting at 5:00. Good luck Wildcats!

Congratulations to Sierra Stoll for completing all levels of Lexia!

Happy Birthday from the Wildcat Food Service Dept!


YCMS football is in action at home tonight!

YCMS Lady Cats are back in action at home tonight!

Congratulations to Staci Slater, the winner of the $25 G&W gift certificate at the PowerSchool Parent Academy tonight!



First grade enjoyed learning about art in Australia during First Friday Art with Kathe!

Art with Ms. Hamman: We began our trip around the world learning about different countries and their cultures featuring the folk art of the countries…we began our trip with Australia and their hand paintings.

Due to illness, there will be NO morning or afternoon 3 year old preschool Tuesday and Wednesday. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you have questions, please contact the elementary school office.