The second annual ASA Engage Summer Series is an immersive program taking place from July 12th-15th that provides students the ability to connect with professionals across the country in a variety of fields. Through a series of hour-long live, interactive chats, students will learn about jobs from people who work them every day. The theme of the event is Helping Careers. All presentations will focus on the positive impact that these professionals have on their community and the world around them. Students will finish the week armed with expanded knowledge about possibilities after graduation and how they can use their professions to give back- and that knowledge will inspire students in the classroom and beyond.

Applications are being accepted for the following two positions at YC Elementary School:
Elementary School Office Assistant/MS Paraprofessional & K-5 Title 1 Paraprofessional.
Applications are available on the USD366 website. Click Menu & scroll down to Employment!

Kids Meals are ready for pick up at the High School!!

ANW Cooperative is looking for Paraprofessionals for the USD 366 Yates Center District for this upcoming school year. Information on the position and the application can be found here http://anwcoop.com/jobs-careers-application/instructional-paraprofessional-i-medium-work.

Any YCHS KAYS and YCHS FFA member that can help on July 17th at the Woodson County Fair please contact Allie Chrisman, Aidan Yoho or Mrs. Steele for details.
The KAYS will be in charge of the Fair Parade and KAYS/FFA will be in charge of the Pedal Pull.
If you will be an incoming freshman at YCHS and would like to help please contact Mrs. Steele @ tsteele@usd366.net.
Thank You!!

Don’t forget to pick up your student’s meals at the high school!

ANW Cooperative is looking for Paraprofessionals for the USD 366 Yates Center District for this upcoming school year. Information on the position and the application can be found here http://anwcoop.com/jobs-careers-application/instructional-paraprofessional-i-medium-work.

The Wildcat Food Service Department will not have delivery service today - Monday, July 5th!

Check out this fantastic app called sunflower summer. It provides free admission for Kansas students and up to two adults to many attractions. Look in the App Store for more information.

Free school meal delivery & pickup today!! In town meals for Thursday & Friday can be picked up from 11:00-12:30 @ the High School parking lot!! Delivery will be as usual with today & Friday’s meals delivered today!!

Woodson Track Resurfacing Notice-Work to resurface the track is supposed to begin later this week. When work does begin the track will be closed for 3-4 weeks, or until the work is completed. If you use the track to walk and work out, please make alternative plans during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but after 15 years it’s time to address this facility.

Meal pick up Monday thru Thursday 11:00-12:30 high school parking lot!!

Attention 2021 Graduates: Graduation pictures and your Senior packets are available for pickup at the BOE office. Please drop by and pick your up!

Morgan Collins and Adam Spencer have spent the last week at Sterling College at The Shrine Bowl Band Camp. They will be performing tomorrow in a long parade and then at the half time of the football game in Hutchinson. Mike Hamman is the Mirza Past Potentate, and KickOff Club president and Dan Edwards is Kick Off Club Vice President and Gilead Lodge #144 treasurer.

Free meals at the high school!

Reminder: summer meal pickup is at the YCHS parking lot on Mondays through Thursdays from 11:00-12:30. Stop by to get your free meal and say hi!

YCHS will be holding a second credit recovery session from June 21st-July 31 from 8:00 AM - Noon. Enrollment must be completed by this Friday, June 18. (Enrollment in limited.) If interested please contact Karl Hamm at 620-405-0196 or email khamm@usd366.net. Cost if $100 per credit hour. Money will be refunded if class is successfully completed.

Woodson-Greenbush Summer Camps
The Woodson School District in conjunction with the Greenbush Service Center will conduct four summer camps at the Greenbush site. These camps are free for students who were in grades 3 through 6 this past school year. Transportation will be provided by the school district and lunch provided by Greenbush. The only requirement is, a camp form must be completed.
The dates and the themes of the camps are as follow:
June 28 - Astronomy
July 7 - WILD Day
July 14 - STEM Day
July 21 - Kansas History
If you are interested in enrolling your student in one camp or all four please email Dr. Steve Pegram at spegram@usd366. Pick your dates and we will send you a camp form to fill out or you can stop by the district office, 101 W. Butler, and pick one up. Details on departure and return times will be sent to those enrolled. No student is enrolled until the camp form is turned in. Space is limited, so sign up soon!

Congratulations to Easton Reynolds and Jack King for making the all state golf team. Easton was 1st team and Jack 2nd team.

Woodson Elementary Teaching Position
The Woodson School District has an elementary school (4th grade) teaching position open. If you know of someone looking to relocate to the area or an individual who is looking for an elementary teaching position have them contact Dr. Steve Pegram at the Board of Education Office. They can call 620.625.8804 or email spegram@usd366.net for more information.