YCHS will be holding a second credit recovery session from June 21st-July 31 from 8:00 AM - Noon. Enrollment must be completed by this Friday, June 18. (Enrollment in limited.) If interested please contact Karl Hamm at 620-405-0196 or email khamm@usd366.net. Cost if $100 per credit hour. Money will be refunded if class is successfully completed.
over 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
Woodson-Greenbush Summer Camps The Woodson School District in conjunction with the Greenbush Service Center will conduct four summer camps at the Greenbush site. These camps are free for students who were in grades 3 through 6 this past school year. Transportation will be provided by the school district and lunch provided by Greenbush. The only requirement is, a camp form must be completed. The dates and the themes of the camps are as follow: June 28 - Astronomy July 7 - WILD Day July 14 - STEM Day July 21 - Kansas History If you are interested in enrolling your student in one camp or all four please email Dr. Steve Pegram at spegram@usd366. Pick your dates and we will send you a camp form to fill out or you can stop by the district office, 101 W. Butler, and pick one up. Details on departure and return times will be sent to those enrolled. No student is enrolled until the camp form is turned in. Space is limited, so sign up soon!
over 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Woodson School District Supplemental Openings The Woodson School District has the following supplemental positions open. If interested in applying, contact Dr. Steve Pegram, Superintendent of Schools, at 620.625.8804. Assistant MS/HS Football Assistant MS/HS Girl’s Basketball (2 positions) Assistant MS/HS Girl’s Volleyball MS Cheerleader Sponsor
almost 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
High School Seniors!! Your graduation pictures are available for pickup at the Board Office!!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Congratulations to Molly Proper for getting 2A 2nd Team All State Utility Player!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
CONGRATULATIONS, Yates Center FFA has. 4 2021 State Degree Recipients
almost 4 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Hannah Jones
Anna Westerman
Chayse Hobbs
Taven Smoot
Second graders Piper Albert, Faelon Nelson, Lukas Bishop, Coy Moore, and Hadley Heffner were recently recognized for master 100 IXL math objectives. Well done, kids!
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Stars
Congratulations to these students for mastering 150 IXL math objectives! Second graders Kelby Cummings, 3rd grader Jaxson Gregson, and 4th graders Joseph Bishop and Laken Culver.
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES students mastering 200 IXL math objectives included 2nd grader Kade Owens, 3rd graders Quinlyn Yoho, and Karter Westerman, 4th grader Laken Culver, and 5th grader Isaac Stoll. Awesome job, kids!
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
Check out these math wizards! Congratulations to 3rd graders Conner Plegge, Sierra Stoll, Addison Clay and Derek Jones for mastering more than 300 IXL math objectives! Raquel Smith was recognized for mastering 400 and 500 IXL math objectives! YCES Top 3 IXL Math Rockstar students were Addison Clay(3rd), Sierra Stoll(2nd) and Raquel Smith with a total of 541 mastered objectives!
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
It’s lunch time!!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
This parent air-fried the wrap & made a smoothie with the banana & yogurt!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
School lunch delivery!!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Meal drive thru for pick up has begun @ the YCHS parking lot!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
YCES would like to recognize these students for mastering 100 IXL objectives. Congratulations to 2nd graders: Harlie Collins, Thalia Schnichels, Kaelyn Leach, Taryn Clay, Kinze Tidd, Rutledge Sorenson, and Owen Combs; 3rd graders: Tucker Weston, Maverick Eakin, Bentlie Kuron, Bektin Tidd, Harper Morrison, Emmit McVey, and Briley Sievers; 5th grader: Alaina Cartright. Good work kids!
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES IXL Math Stars
YCES AR Stars were recently recognized for their reading achievement. Maverick Eakin: 200 AR points; Connor Plegge: 300 AR points and Isaac Stoll: an amazing 3,000 AR points!
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES AR Stars!
YCES AR Stars!
These YCES students were recently recognized for earning 100 AR points! Congratulations to Lukas Bishop, Michael Wark, Taryn Clay, and Deen Summers.
almost 4 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES AR Stars!
YCES AR Stars!
The summer FREE meal program for Kids 1-18 starts tomorrow - Monday, June 7th!!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Wildcats receive All League Honors: Softball - 1st Team: Morgan Collins (Unanimous), Molly Proper and Allie Chrisman. Honorable Mention: Hannah Jones. Baseball: Honorable Mention: Sean Hurst and Tyler Green. Congratulations for your achievements!
almost 4 years ago, Karl Hamm
Congratulations to Sean Hurst and Tyler Green! They received Three Rivers League Honorable Mention for 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Toni O'Hare