Friday, March 5th there will be NO KINDERGARTEN CLASSES. The PreK 4 class will be screened for next year's Kindergarten.

One of the favorite days for our FFA students....Drive your tractor to school day! Adam still can't run with the big boys yet!

The YCHS Boys first round game of substate can be viewed at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspOMdP6p5FvR4AUry13G9w

TUESDAY'S GIRLS SUBSTATE UPDATE: Policy for attendance at Herington High Basketball game. Herington is allowing 4 spectators per athlete/cheer/coach that is a parent/guardian/sibling, living in the same household as the athlete. YCHS needs notification for guest list by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, March 2.

Congratulations to Madelyn Proper on signing with Neosho County Cheerleading!

Additional Information concerning Substate Basketball: For the boys 1st round game, each player/cheerleader families will be allowed 4 people to attend. (Just like regular season). If a member of the girls team wants to attend they must be listed as a guest of one of the boys players or cheerleader. Same situation on Tuesday. If a member of the boys team wants to attend the girls game, they must be on the guest list of a girl player or cheerleader. All students not participating who are on a guest list will have to pay. Players are not allowed into the games free of charge. During the regular season Herington only allowed 2 guests to attend. We should know tomorrow about the number of guests that may attend on Tuesday. Hope this helps clarify previous posts.

Substate Basketball Information: The YCHS Boys will play Monday, March 1 at 7:00 PM vs Central Heights. The YCHS Girls will play Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 PM at Herrington.
-Pass gate – only the teams playing are allowed in at the pass gate for the game scheduled. The opposite gender does not get into the games for free. They have to buy a ticket and count as one of the allowable seats.
-All tickets are $7. There are no student tickets. A seat is a seat.
-Media – the host school is given the first opportunity to stream the game. Only one school broadcast is permitted, the link should be shared with the other school. The KSHSAA owns the rights to all post season contests.
-Saturday game times are 2:00 PM (2A Boys) and 5:00 PM (2A Girls). The gym will be cleared between championship games. If a team qualifies both boys and girls teams, the team members from the opposite gender do not get in free. They must have a seat from the allotment for each school is provided.

Yesterday the 4th grade class dissected frogs with Greenbush.

Any softball parent/fan that would like to order a softball hoodie please contact Abbie Collins by tomorrow! Orders will go in on Friday!!

Happy Birthday, Clayton!

No School March 3rd
Due to district employees taking their second vaccine on March 2nd, there will be no school on March 3rd. The decision not to have school is a precaution of not knowing what reactions the employees will have to the second vaccine and whether we would have the staffing to conduct school. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Happy FFA week from the many members of the Yates Center FFA Chapter. Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. #ksffa

Please turn in any BoxTops you may have at home or scan your receipts for BoxTop points! The deadline to turn in clipped BoxTops is Thursday, February 25th!

Ms. Brilke's class celebrated a birthday today! Happy birthday, Beau!

Don't Forget To Order Your Yearbook!! THE ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOK ORDERS ARE DUE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th! Call the Elem. school office if your student needs a form or use the following link to order directly from Jostens! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1070192/Yates-Center-Elementary-School/2021-Yearbook/2021012804170296368/CATALOG_SHOP/

COVID Report-February 19, 2021-The district has been made aware of two cases of COVID in the county. With two active cases, the school district will be in the GREEN phase next week.

The YCMS Quiz Bowl B Team placed 3rd @ the Marmaton Valley Virtual Meet held on Feb. 4th! Congratulations!!

Ms. Brilke's afternoon class celebrating Valentine's Day!