Parents Night: Due to a parent being unable to attend on Friday night we are moving Parents Night to Monday, February 22.

Yates Center High School has received a report from KSHSAA of violating risk mitigation protocol during the basketball season. When fans enter the building they are agreeing to follow this protocol, by continually and properly, wearing a mask. Administrators and players want to games to continue and we are asking the fans of our teams to do their part. The following are the sanctions for additional protocol violations.
At their recent meeting, the Executive Board approved for staff to take the following actions when a school is found to be non-compliant with COVID-19 risk mitigation protocols:
a. First report – notification to school administration detailing violation and identification of corrective action.
b. Second report – correspondence to school and district administration.
c. Third report – school/district administrative appearance before the Executive Board.
d. Fourth – implementation of Executive Board sanctions including, but not limited to:
i. Loss of postseason host opportunities
ii. Removal from the postseason tournament(s)
iii. Suspension of KSHSAA membership for all activities
iv. Fines/Special assessments
Based upon the response of school leaders, schools may move more rapidly through this sequence.

The Elementary & Middle School yearbook order forms were sent home recently. You can now order online if you choose to!! Click the following link to order a yearbook for your Elementary or Middle School student!

Tuesday's Chiefs Week Raffle Winners!

The Farmers to Families food distribution program will be returning to Yates Center on Wednesdays, Feb 3 & 10, 2021. Our sincere thanks to Harvest House Food Pantry, sponsored by the Severy Nazarene Church: for including Yates Center and surrounding communities in this first round of distributions.
Location: Parking lot behind Yates Center City Hall.
Auto line distribution will begin at 11:00 A.M.
Those picking up food boxes for themselves, or for others who are unable to attend, should remain in their vehicles. Volunteers will come to your vehicle and place the food boxes in the vehicle.
NOTE: Please use extreme caution and drive slowly in the pick- up area: watch out for our volunteers.

The Preschool parking & driveway are getting new gravel today!!

Happy Birthday, Kinzley!!

Congratulations to Wyatt Splechter for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!

Happy 100th Day of School!

Mahomes Day at the South School!

The Chiefs Super Bowl Week Raffle Monday Winners!

Congratulations to River Del La Torre for finishing Lexia Reading!

Congratulations to Rose Glidden for finishing Lexia Read!

A few more pics from Mrs. Brilke's preschool class from Kansas Day celebrations!

Happy 100th Day!

Live stream of the Feb. 2 games at Oswego can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/Oswego504

HSBB at Oswego on Feb. 2 starting at 6:00 PM. Varsity games only! We are currently working to get the video link for fans to watch at home.

Yates Center High School KAY club participated in the Drive By for, Gene Johnston, one of their favorite Veterans, to wish him a Happy 99th Birthday!!

COVID Report for the Week of February 1, 2020 – As of last Thursday, there were 8 positive COVID cases in the county. This number will put the district in its yellow phase for the week of February 1, which makes mask-wearing optional. Reminder, that students who are wearing masks regularly will not be required to quarantine should an exposure occur.

Happy birthday, Kansas!