USD 366 is immediately hiring full-time bus drivers! Go to our website usd366.net and look under employment opportunities, or click the link to apply! https://usd366.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=107
Scores from JH Basketball @ Uniontown.
JH Basketball plays in Uniontown this evening.
Come out this Friday and/or Saturday for some great entertainment! Our HS drama department will be performing at 7:00 on both nights.
Mr. Barnes’ American History class watching the 1928 silent movie, Steamboat Bill, Jr. Staring Piqua, KS born, Buster Keaton.
Week 9 Read for 15 winners: Mrs. Jacobs, Temperance Bedenbender, Liam Reeder, Lahrimyr Jacobs, and Halle Rogers. Don't forget to turn in your forms on Monday! #ycwildcats #readfor15 #15andthemahomies
For those that missed the first 2026 DC and NYC meeting, there will be another one Tuesday, November 19th at 6 PM at the YCHS Library. I know there is a JH basketball game that night, so if you are unable to attend, I can get you the information you need. This is available to YC students in the 6th and 7th grade and to parents who would like to chaperone! Here is the link to reserve your spot at the meeting:
6th grade students are learning about the heart and lungs in health class. They will move on to CPR next, but first they had a great experience dissecting a heart and lung.
We are hiring for our 2025-2026 school year! Click the link to apply.
YCJH Basketball sweeps SCC at home.
Congratulations to Trace O'Brien for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats
Scholars Bowl placed third at Burlington last week.
JH Basketball plays their first home games this evening.
The bulletin board outside the K-3 grade library is decorated with leaves colored and cut out by students. Thanks to the OPT for providing scissors for use in the library.
Scores from JH Basketball at Jayhawk.
Mrs. Collins' first graders made poppy butterflies to honor our veterans during art with Kathe.
Mrs. Collins' First grade students enjoyed reading with their 6th grade buddies.
Congratulations to Kahlibyr Jacobs for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats