December Menus are here!

The first grade had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast. Thank you to Farm Bureau for taking care of the cost of the feast and for the books.

Congratulations to Aubree Wiley for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Congratulations to Hank Schultz for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats

Congratulations to Beau Chrisman for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading! #ycwildcats



First grade celebrated a birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday Magraw!

Reminder - Fall athletes and their families are invited to the Fall Sports Awards Reception tonight. We will start the presentations at 7:00pm and serve dessert after.

Gratitude and Empathy have been our focus words for the month of November. We have some very grateful kids here at YCES!

Middle School Dance, Nov. 16th.



Senior Parents - Please be looking for a senior packet that was sent home from school today.



Don't forget your food donations, the YCEMS Food Drive ends today!

Reminder - Fall athletes and their families are invited to the Fall Sports Awards Reception tonight. We will start the presentations at 7:00pm and serve dessert after.

Don't forget to support the YCHS students performing in the school play.

The High School Play is Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11 and 12 beginning at 7pm. Make plans to attend.