The golf team has battled the elements all season. It's been cold, windy and hot. Today might have topped them all! Jack battled the course and the elements to a top 10 finish in the final tournament of the year. Congratulations to Jack King for his 6th place finish at the 2A state meet in Emporia. Good luck in your future.

Congratulations to the Woodson USD 366 Retirees!! Thanks to all for a job well done!! Follow this link to view the retirement video!

State Golf will be continuing today with Tee Time set for 10:30 in Emporia! Let's all cheer Jack on as the weather today is not prime golfing weather! Go Jack King!!

Woodson USD #366 is seeking a District Transportation Director! Go to https://www.usd366.net & check Employment Opportunities under the Menu option! CDL with P & S Endorsements required!

News from State Golf at Emporia: Jack King finished day one with a +8 and is in a tie for 5th place. Jack is scheduled to tee off at 10:20 AM. It could be a challenging day battling the elements.

Kindergarteners Hank Schultz, Newt Parkin, and Kinzley Steele were recently awarded certificates of completion for mastering the entire IXL kindergarten math library! What an amazing accomplishment! Well done kids!

Third graders Kade Owens and Raquel Smith resently received to certificate of excellence awards for mastering 200 and 300 IXL math objectives. Congratulations!

Congratulations to 2nd graders Aiden Taylor, Taylor Stockebrand, and Gracyn Leis for mastering 200 IXL math objectives!

First Graders Bryant Bishop, Berkley Morrison, and Olivia Griffith were recently awarded certificates of completion for mastering the entire IXL first grade math library! What an amazing accomplishment! Well done kids!

Congratulations to 2nd graders Wyatt Erps, Callan Slater and Kahlibyr Jacobs for mastering 300 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to 5th graders Laken Culver and Joseph Bishop for mastering 200 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to 4th graders Quinlyn Yoho, Addison Clay, Conner Plegge, and Derek Jones for mastering 200 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to 2nd graders Callan Slater, Gus Clark, Marshall Wark, Kayla Wade and 4th grader Karli Audiss for earning their 100 AR points and an AR t-shirt. Fifth grader Emile Benteman received a second AR t-shirt for earning 500 AR points! Well done!

Second grader Callan Slater was recently award a certificate of completion for mastering the entire 2nd grade IXL math library. This is an amazing accomplishment! Well done, Callan!


FREE Summer Meals for kids ages 1-18 years of age begins tomorrow Monday, May 23rd

Congratulations to 4th graders Braelyn Brooks, Morgan Crumrine, Harper Morrison, Ella Cummings, Malachi Clark, Gauge Murray, Harlan Wiley, Tucker Weston, Bektin Tidd, Kennedy Owens, Derek Jones and Aleeya Dixon for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to 2nd graders Brady Knight, Parker Hoag and Sofia Wiley for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to 3rd graders Gradyn Douglas, Jax Gehrer, Declan Morrison, Hadley Heffner and Kaelyn Leach for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!

Congratulations to the Woodson USD 366 Retirees!!