Congratulations to 4th graders Braelyn Brooks, Morgan Crumrine, Harper Morrison, Ella Cummings, Malachi Clark, Gauge Murray, Harlan Wiley, Tucker Weston, Bektin Tidd, Kennedy Owens, Derek Jones and Aleeya Dixon for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!
almost 3 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Star
Congratulations to 2nd graders Brady Knight, Parker Hoag and Sofia Wiley for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!
almost 3 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Star
Congratulations to 3rd graders Gradyn Douglas, Jax Gehrer, Declan Morrison, Hadley Heffner and Kaelyn Leach for mastering 100 IXL math objectives!
almost 3 years ago, Becky Spencer
YCES IXL Math Star
Congratulations to the Woodson USD 366 Retirees!!
almost 3 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Congratulations to Kylie Chadd for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Congratulations to McKenley O'Brien for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Congratulations to James Schultz for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Congratulations to Nora Boyd for moving above grade level in Lexia Reading!
almost 3 years ago, Stephanie Splechter
Looking for an Organization of Parents and Teachers Vice-President.
almost 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
The KSHSAA has released the pairings for the State Golf Tournament on May 23 and 24 in Emporia. Best of luck to Jack King in the tournament!
almost 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
The Move to Give check was presented to Karli Audiss today!
almost 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
Reminder: NO Preschool classes today. Dismissal is at 1:00!
almost 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
The Wildcat Food Service Dept will begin preparing meals on Monday, May 23rd FREE to kiddos 1-18 years of age. This year we will not be delivering meals to homes but we will have 4 pick up sites for parents/kiddos to come and pick up a meal. The 4 sites will be the Yates Center High School, The City of Yates Center Park, Toronto Senior Center and the Neosho Falls Senior Center. Pick up days will be Monday thru Thursday with Friday's meal included in Thursdays meal. Pick up times will vary by sites so please be on the lookout for that information very soon. If you have any questions please contact Shelley Davis at Please share this information with families and friends. This is a win win for the parents/ kiddos as well as the district!
almost 3 years ago, Shelley Davis
Free Summer Meals
It was a fun day with summer birthday celebrations in the Preschool today!
almost 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
Due to unforeseen circumstances students in 5th-7th grades will not have physicals today. There will be a date set later this summer, sometime in August, that we will have physicals for these students. Watch the districts Facebook page for more information, the date will be before practices start. If your child turned in the completed physical form we will keep them until the August date. If you have questions please call the YCEMS office.
almost 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
almost 3 years ago, Toni O'Hare
Congratulations to Jack King for placing 3rd at the Pittsburg Regional and advancing to the State Tournament. Emporia will be hosting 2A State on May 23 and 24.
almost 3 years ago, Karl Hamm
JK 3rd
almost 3 years ago, Toni O'Hare
almost 3 years ago, Amy McConaghie
school supplies
DRUM ROLL. The 2022 winner of the Pat Herring award is “Trespasser” a graphic novel by Breena Bird. Forty five students grades 3-5 read some of the nominees. The winner was selected by the students who read six or more on the list.
almost 3 years ago, Woodson USD 366
Pat herring