The Alumni Volleyball Scrimmage has been CANCELLED.

Mrs. Baker's Biology 1 class is spending the class period learning how to use the stylus in zSpace. The students are really enjoying learning with the new technology. The faculty and students are so very lucky to have access to this new method of learning and exploration.

COVID Update-August 19, 2021 - The COVID case count for Woodson County as of August 19 is at 10 cases, with four cases dropping off over the weekend. We did have a positive case in a grade-level class. The parents of the students affected have been contacted and will be home quarantined until August 30. The schools will begin next week with masks optional but highly encouraged.

Mrs. Baker's A&P class enjoyed the class period using zSpace. This is the first year with zSpace and the students seem to really enjoy using the technology.

Alumni Scrimmage


We are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

Attention Senior Parents: There will be a Senior Parent meeting on Thursday, August 19 at 6:30 PM in the YCHS Commons area.

Two Yates Center FFA Members, Taylor Jacobs and Tytan Smoot, will receive their American FFA degrees this fall. These members have shown incredible dedication to agriculture education, their SAE and to their communities. They will be recognized at the 94th National FFA Convention.

The Woodson County Treasurer's Office is seeking a High School Junior or Senior for after school employment. Minimum qualifications are basic computer skills, knowledge of Microsoft Excel, ability to take direction and a positive attitude. Please apply in person. Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Courthouse. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on September 10, 2021. Woodson County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Don't forget the back to school parties this weekend.



COVID Update-August 12, 2021 - The COVID case count for Woodson County as of August 12 is at six cases. School will begin next week with masks optional.

ESSER III Survey - The Woodson School District is in the process of submitting for the district’s ESSER III funding. ESSER III funding requires the district to garner input from the community on ideas as to how to spend this funding. The district has developed a quick survey to get this input and is asking that you take the time to answer this short survey. The survey should not take longer than two minutes to answer. The ESSER III survey can be reached at the following address. https://forms.gle/fum6f3tzDqXpEqZP6

REMINDER: Free athletic physicals on August 12 at YCHS from 9:00 AM - Noon. These physicals are for students in grades 6-12 who wish to participate in KSHSAA activities this school year. Those wishing to have a physical must bring with them a signed and completed physical form.

REMINDER: HS Volleyball practice: starts on Monday, August 16th and 17th at 7:30 am at the Norris Gymnasium. Players must have a current physical on file to practice. Bring other tennis shoes besides your volleyball shoes.
Parents Meeting: August 20th at the high school commons at 6:00 pm. Coach King and Coach Cummings will have a short informational meeting to discuss uniforms, team dinners, team rules, and parent conduct. This is for parents only, no players.
Email Coach King with any questions. kking@usd366.net

Parents of High School Students: Please call the office and find out if your child has any class fees for the 2021-22 school year. These should be paid before school starts. Call Angie or Tasha at 625-8820.

Fall athletic practices will start on Monday, August 16. Does your athlete have their physical? If not, USD #366 will be offering free physicals at the High School from 9:00 - Noon on August 12. Before physicals can be given the athlete must have a completed and signed KSHSAA physical form. Forms may be picked up at the High School office or printed from the KSHSAA website.

Yates Center Cross County - There will be a student/parent meeting for those interested in participating in cross country at the BOE office on, Wednesday, August 11 at 6:30 pm. Students must be in grades 6-12 to participate and have a physical on file. There will be physicals provide for free on August 12 at the high school from 9 am to noon, if students don’t currently have one. If your student isn’t doing cross country, we hope they are participating in something to start the school year! Research shows that students who participate in school activities tend to do much better in school than those that don’t.